Thursday 11:30 - 12:30

iThink therefore iLife

Palace B

Jay Cecrle & Toni Fowler Dan Lonowski, Adams Central Jr-Sr High/ESU #9

Adams Central Learning Web Team will demonstrate how to incorporate the iLife Suite in science, social studies, math and foreign language classes at the high school level with an emphasis on creating podcasts. Projects demonstrated were created using iMovie, podcasts using GarageBand, and iTunes. Don't miss how these projects were implemented in the classroom and the tips and tricks that helped our team make our multimedia projects successful.

Using Technology to Teach and Assess Social Studies STAR Standards

Palace C

Lori Broady & Kim Robke , Johnson-Brock Public Schools

Teachers and administrators will learn how to use free websites to teach about primary sources. This can also be used to research and develop projects for the National History Day Curriculum. Accessing Free On-line Searches that are utilized in the Classroom to meet the requirements of the following STAR Standards: 12.1.13m 12.2.11, and 8.4.2. Also included are Primary Source Analysis Forms available free from the National Archives

The PaperLess Classroom-Save a tree and save your back!

Omaha Lobby

Jan Knispel, Valentine High School

ired of lugging home papers to correct? JOIN the Paperless Revolution! Using Angel has allowed the composition students at Valentine High to submit, peer review, and edit assignments saving our district approximately 30,000 sheets of paper per school year. Angel also provides a savings of over 80+ hours of teacher correcting time. Other course curriculum also lends itself to going "paperless using this technology in numerous applications.

Podcasting in Education

Palace G

Barry Sevett, Apple, Inc.

Podcasting has become a phenomenally popular way to communicate. As educators we can take advantage of this new technology to not only deliver quality information to students, but to provide students with a voice to communicate their ideas and what they've learned. In this session we'll create audio-only and enhanced podcasts using GarageBand and iWeb. For more information go to:

Technology Coordinator's Sharing

Omaha Room

Rich Molettiere, Omaha North High Magnet Center

Whether you are a new tech coordinator or a veteran, from a small school or large, there is something we can all learn from each other. This session will examine 25 lessons learned from my over 27 years as a technology coordinator. Attendees will be encouraged to share their lessons as well.

Take PowerPoint Presentations to a new level with Microsoft Producer!

Palace D

Annette M Weskamp, Pius X High School

Microsoft Producer is a free multimedia authoring product that takes digital audio, video, PowerPoint slides, html pages, pictures or graphics and stitches them together using an author directed time line and author created templates, producing output intended for viewing via a browser in a HTML page with embedded Windows Media player. Wonderful for teacher or student classroom presentations or creating instructional tutorials.

Utilizing YouTube in Your Classroom

Palace F

Josh Allen & Ray Keller , Papillion-La Vista Public Schools

Many schools shy away from YouTube, but there are many ways it can be used to create engaging projects for students. From questioning presidential candidates at the YouTube Debate to school documentaries on Google Earth, YouTube can be used with your current curriculum to give students a new way to share what they learned with the world. This session will show everyone how to use YouTube in their classroom to inspire their students.

Using iMovie to create student videos

Palace A

Scott Foster, Waverly High School

Have you been tinkering with the idea of making student movies? Are you thinking of making the jump to adding video to your classes? Do you want to see more? Waverly students will demonstrate how they use iMovie to create a DVD supplement to the yearbook. Specific topics covered will be iMovie basics, using a green screen with iMovie to create interesting video segments, conducting video interviews, and packaging stories for production.

China Town, Dragons, Calligraphy & Reading a Collaboration Celebration

Salon D

Lorinda Rice & Lucy McHugh Jolene Walker, Lincoln Public Schools & Clinton Elementary, Lincoln Public Schools

Did you know Chinese dragons have antlers? They protect the innocent and children? Students read China Town in their reading series. Technology and art students discovered the architecture of China Towns. Dragons, calligraphy, and China Town gates, became the basis for student efforts. Collaboration between classrooms offered students the opportunity to perform in-depth research. Computer students researched Chinese calligraphic writing styles.

Securing Your School

Heartland A

Jason Cloudt & Robb Walker, Security Equipment Inc.

SEI will describe and demonstrate the following security solutions including: access control systems, video surveillance and management, intrusion detection, fire systems and monitoring services. They will discuss how these solutions can help the address occurrences such as vandalism, theft, visitor management, crisis management and disruptive behavior.

Where to Find Low Academic Pricing on Computer Products.

Salon C

Lisa Moore & Lisa Moore , Software Plus, a Softchoice Company

Learn how to buy software and other computer products at low academic pricing with ESU's contract with Software Plus a Softchoice Company, especially Adobe and Microsoft products.

Acing the Computer Storage Test with Automated-Tiered Storage

Heartland B
Shannon Mahaffey & Jim Rundquist , Compellent Technologies, Inc.

Learn how Compellent is reducing disk expenditures, simplifying storage administration, and providing effective ways to manage costs, data, and administration time in educational IT environments. Their approach has resulted in accolades from industry experts such as "the best SAN we've ever tested (InfoWorld). Learn how to recover lost data in minutes and provide an extremely effective disaster recovery service for your district or school.

Visual Learning: An Accelerant

Palace E
Cheryl Lemke, Metiri Group

One remembers 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they see, and 30% of what they experience. Visuals are important to learners in several ways. The most obvious is their immersion in a highly visual world in which they will need to become informed consumers, communicators, and composers/producers with multimedia. The research says that visuals play an important role in problem-solving, thinking, and understanding complex, academic concepts.